The Biblical Case for Israel
The Biblical Case for Israel is a must read for every Bible-believing Christian that supports Israel. Israel is constantly in our news and this new book will help you better understand why. Dr. Ed Holliday has authored a chapter in this new exciting book along with many other notable supporters of Israel.
Some of the other authors include Andy Groveman of Belz Enterprises, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, JoAnn G. Magnuson of the Jewish-Christian Library, Steve Coplon of Memphis Friends of Israel, Earl Cox of Israel Always, author Malcom Hedding, Bruce Assaf of Blow the Trumpet International, William Koening of World Watch Daily, Wendy Beckett of Operation Exodus-Ebenezer and others. Be the first of your friends to own this new book and get one for libraries in your local schools, churches, and everywhere people have an interest in what is happening in Israel.
Be the first of your friends to own this new book and get one for libraries in your local schools, churches, and everywhere people have an interest in what is happening in Israel.
$14.95 including Shipping in the U.S. Note: Mississippi residents DO NOT add 7% sales tax because you have been Taxed Enough Already ! Dr. Holliday will pay the tax for you!!

Bedrock Truths
8 Uncompromising Principles for American Now!
By: Dr. Ed Holliday, Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Alex McFarland
We live in a world of shifting sand. Many of our leaders make decisions based off the most recent public opinion polls. It is a style of leadership that can leave our heads spinning. However, beneath the shifting sands of public opinion are solid Bedrock Truths. Non-negotiables that all people of faith and values can stand on. In Bedrock Truths – 8 Uncompromising Principles for America Now! Dr. Ed Holliday, Dr. Alveda King (Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.) and Dr. Alex McFarland call America to return to the foundations that made us great.
These 8 principles are more important than ever as we move into the Presidential election year of 2016. After the June ruling about same-sex marriage and the bombshell videos showing what is happening in Planned Parenthood clinics you need this book. Principles like religious liberty, life, marriage, economy, immigration, and how to get involved are discussed with an innovative call for action! Get your copy now and get one for your friends and neighbors!
$14.95 including Shipping in the U.S. Note: Mississippi residents DO NOT add 7% sales tax because you have been Taxed Enough Already ! Dr. Holliday will pay the tax for you!!

Profiles of Courage
This book tells the stories that have helped make Memphis what it is today. Across this great and historic landscape it is the people who have shaped this city and this book brings to the reader the courage that is the foundation on which these stories have emerged. No Memphian or anyone who loves the people and places of Memphis should be without this book. This book should be in every school, every library, and in the homes of everyone in the mid-South.
$12.00 Note: Mississippi residents DO NOT add 7% sales tax because you have been Taxed Enough Already ! Dr. Holliday will pay the tax for you!!

The 21st Century Great Awakening
As Presented in our Nation’s Capital By Dr. Edward T. Holliday
This book is a cogent presentation that uses history and inspiration to reveal how God is not finished with America just yet. Here in America, once a gain, a spiritual revival will come that will so transform peoples’ lives that our entire culture will reflect the changes. It has happened during the first and second “Great Awakenings,” and Dr. Holliday tells why he believes it will happen again.
$14.95 Note: Mississippi residents DO NOT add 7% sales tax because you have been Taxed Enough Already ! Dr. Holliday will pay the tax for you!!
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